What are microservices?

The write-up below meant to be a companion to the video above. Please watch the above video to build a better understanding.

Microservices are designed to be highly maintainable and loosely coupled, emphasizing limited responsibilities for each service. This architectural approach facilitates ease of maintenance and allows for small, focused teams to manage specific product features, such as payments or analytics, ensuring optimal performance and quality.

Microservices architecture optimizes rapid feature delivery by enabling small teams to concentrate on individual services, resulting in quicker changes and enhancements. Additionally, it facilitates easy upgrades, allowing for independent tech stack modifications without impacting other services.

Many microservices architectures begin as monolithic applications, which consist of a single, comprehensive codebase. As organizations expand and recognize that their monolithic structure is hindering progress, they begin the process of decomposition into microservices. This transition involves grouping related functions to form independent microservices, enabling greater flexibility and scaling opportunities.

Microservices are defined by their autonomy, specialization, and alignment with specific business needs. Each microservice functions independently, allowing teams to choose their own technology stack and storage solutions. This independence leads to significant agility and precise scaling, enabling teams to implement changes rapidly and optimize infrastructure utilization effectively.

When transitioning to microservices architecture, it’s crucial to avoid certain anti-patterns. First, refrain from starting with microservices; instead, opt for a monolithic approach and optimize as needed. It’s important to strike a balance in service size; services should not be overly small or excessively large. Additionally, leverage existing tools instead of creating everything from the ground up to minimize unnecessary complexity.

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