A maxim is a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct. Here's a quick collection of maxims and nuggets posted by me or my alt ego, The Smarter Chimp.
Hindsight is always clear.
Your struggles shaped you, but they don't define you.
Abundance makes you indecisive.
Find the joy in the journey.
Dare to differ.
Learn from people who make you realize that it is still a long way to go.
Criticism is easier than creation.
People who achieve have no time to be judgemental.
Keep investing in yourself, until you become the most interesting person in the room.
Comfort kills potential.
Real virtue is proven, not proclaimed.
If you do not challenge yourself, life will.
Strengthen you strengths.
Imagination fuels creativity.
Confidence comes from competence.
Clear thoughts need space to grow.
Be around people for their ambitions, not their availability.
Ideas operate in fantasy, not reality.
The driven does not have time for drama.
Ego is the heaviest baggage.
People value what you bring, not what you've been through.
Facts don't care about your feelings.
Overconfidence often precedes failure.
The world changes; so should you.
The flexible mind bends, but doesn't break.
Mental limits are often illusions.
It is easy to talk more and convey less; but hard to do the reverse.
Growth compounds when you realize you can learn anything.
Be productive, not busy.
Anger and jealousy drain your energy. Detach.
It is easy to be busy without being productive.
Trust demands reciprocation.
Productivity is less about quantity and more about the quality of items you check off your to-do list.
Taking up responsibilities is scary; but essential for growth.
Curiosity needs time to thrive.
Build a strong desire to learn.
It is easy to think long term, but hard to build patience that sustains.
Chase only a few, but meaningful goals.
Mental limits are illusive.
Passion keeps you consistent.
Dodge distractions to win the race.
You enjoy the silence when you enjoy your thoughts.
It is incredibly difficult to unlearn comforting misbeliefs.
Be around the people who consistently grow.
Self-deception is self-destruction.
People who complain a lot, stagnate.
Embrace occasional solitude.
We tend to give up our integrity and authenticity just to fit in.
It is easy, comforting, and tempting to live in your head.
You learn the best when you are not constrained by the syllabus.
To build confidence, have a strong bias for action.
Passion-filled focus kills anxiety,
You learn the best when it is taught by someone passionate.
Every person inevitably grows, but just at their own unique pace.
Never be scared of letting it go.
Learning hard subjects is daunting for a reason.
Re-iterate until you write what you'd love to read.
It is okay to say no; pick tasks that are worth doing.
Price and value do not always correlate.
It is simple to be happy - do what you love doing.
You know you ran out of arguments when you played the victim card.
It is incredibly difficult for us not to expect anything in return.
People who lack confidence misjudge confidence as arrogance.
We tend to dislike everything that reminds us of our mistakes and limitations.
Consume what you need, not what you want. Be it food, videos, or social media.
The most interesting people are neither too busy nor too free.
Write often; it challenges your understanding.
It is incredibly hard to ignore stupidity.
Every time you are jealous of someone, flip it into an inspiration.
Being able to spend time with the people you love is a privilege.
You become confident only when battle-tested.
Best teachers are lifelong students.
Relationships fail when one of them takes it for granted.
You become wiser with experience, not age.
Life-changing decisions seem either very stupid or very ordinary at first.
Acknowledge, accept, and act whenever you realize you were wrong.
Reading is necessary but not sufficient for learning.
Most successful people were just brave enough.
If you find it harder to self-reflect, take longer showers.
Always aspire to inspire.
Life gets boring after the struggle ends, just like your favorite video game.
To succeed, you need more discipline than motivation.
Just because you are worthy does not mean you'll get it.
It is easy to advise when we know we don't have to act on it.
Never self-reject; at least give yourself a chance to fail.
Beginnings are always harder, and then it eases out.
We are evolutionarily wired to reciprocate and seek reciprocation.
Practice understanding the unknowns faster.
Your actions define you.
Hearing might not be, but listening is optional.
Strike a balance between optimism and pessimism, and like everything else in life, this choice is also non-binary.
Reread and challenge your understanding.
To excel, express.
Do not react where your reaction is not valued.
It is far more important to know what not to read, watch, or listen.
Intrinsic motivation is a superpower.
Fail in your twenties, to thrive in your thirties.
You are the channels you subscribe to on YouTube.
Be a compulsive thinker.
Never take anything for granted; it bites hard.
Adulting makes us good at pretending.
You reap the rewards of hard work.
Cramming books in your head never helps.
You get it when you do not crave it.
Learning is fun when you understand the whys behind it.
Be concise while writing; be verbose while thinking.
People are walking libraries of experiences; converse.
To be creative, think.
Stagnation is not perpetual.
If you think you are smart, change your circle.
Detours are lonely.
The two most effective therapies in the world are walking and taking a shower.
You never disliked learning; you disliked studying it for exams.
The calm wins in the chaos.
Think twice before reacting.
We are attuned to seek reciprocity.
Enthusiasm is contagious.
Capabilities mean nothing unless to put them into action.
You need to be patient to see significant outcomes - be it product, business, or relationship.
Not everything you do needs a purpose.
A thriving relationship is never transactional.
Reading is good, but thinking is better.
It only takes that one thing to leave your mark.
Understand, don't memorize.
Learning is 4 step process: read, think, comprehend, and practice.
Society made us believe that ambitious people are greedy.
One outrageous risk can set you for life; spotting it is luck.
The best ideas pop in a calm and relaxed mind.
Trying to be productive all the time is counterproductive.
Delegate when you cannot defer.
Sometimes short-term happiness outweighs long-term gains.
Deeper the habit, the higher the inertia to deviate from it.
A creative hobby is a sink for your anxiety.
There is a fine line that differentiates Critical Thinking and Pessimism.
You are privileged if you have time to read a book slowly.
Noise is supposed to be ignored.
Starting something is easy; continuing it is hard.
People always remember the honest and the authentic.
You become what everybody around you is.
Clear thinking requires deeper learning and thorough understanding.
The internet can be the biggest distraction or the greatest teacher.
Be hard on yourself, have a higher bar.
Be selective while absorbing.
Someone who truly understood a concept could never make it sound complex.
It's very easy to be judgemental but incredibly hard to be empathetic.
Habit is the reward for being consistent.
Build what people will want.
You will "waste" time before you build something invaluable.
One moment of weakness turns a discussion into a debate.
Genuinely listen.
Never disagree just for the sake of it.
You are confident when you bring uniqueness to the table.
Let serendipity kick in.
Life-changing opportunities are invisible at first.
Own your mistakes.
Read books that make you doubt your intelligence.
Learn from your failures and move on.
Not evolving - was, is, and will always be - catastrophic.
Instructions stifle creativity.
It takes mountainous time and effort to create value.
Life-changing opportunities are not obvious.
A good mentor uncovers your ignorance.
Failure is probabilistic.
Good habits have a 1000x RoI.
It is more fun to run the winnerless race.
People right next to you matter the most.
Notice the obvious.
We are attuned to be obsessed with quantification.
Instead of telling your potential, show them your growth.
Discard what you don't need.
While reading books, pause, think, and note.
We are always ignorant of our addiction.
We never succeed alone.
Stretch goals accelerate your growth.
Attention is the new currency.
Anger should not be your response to stupidity.
There is no better feeling than seeing the stranded dots finally connect.
It is near-impossible to be prepared for everything. Just do it.
Clinging to the past leads you nowhere.
Learn what you love.
Do not skip the hard things.
Momentum compounds.
Cross-pollination is magical. Once in a while, read a book from an unrelated field.
You attract who you are.
Avoid mistakes made by others. Observe, listen, and learn.
It is never late to learn anything.
It becomes easy to be happy for others when you are happy for yourself.
If you are creative, juggle between at least two things.
Be indistractable.
Do what works for you.
Learning something new makes your inner child go Wheeeeeeee!!!.
You feel old when you stop being curious.
Perfection is mythical; reality is imperfect.
Avoid unnecessary competition.
We prefer comfort because growth is painful.
Crisis and Opportunity are two sides of the same coin.
Be realistically ambitious.
If you write well, you think well.
It is hard to stay depressed when you have a hobby.
Creativity thrives in a zen mind.
Let your heart skip a few beats.
Batching is the ultimate productivity hack.
Your life requires a leap of faith when you realize that you have been waking up depressed.
Growth is driven by self-doubt.
A puffed-up ego is an indicator of a puffed-up delusion.
We are more enslaved by entertainment than anyone ever was.
Curiosity sets us apart from the species.
Noise demands attention, but it does not mean we have to oblige.
In the midst of chasing your goals, do not miss out on the joy of learning.
Add more value through fewer words.
Growth needs time, be patient.
Cringing on your past is a sign of growth.
Life is not a race; take your time and savor the process.
By the way, reacting to stupidity is optional.
Excellence remains unacknowledged without humility.
Tough people do not have an easy past.
It is okay not to finish every book you started.
Dare to fail.
Build an ability to filter out the signal from noise.
99% of your fear is just in your head.
With time you have to be intuitively more correct.
It is not uncommon to be in a mess, embrace it.
@charan7386 Satisfied.
@paraschopra When it loses humility.
Learn from someone who has done it.
Leaders create momentum.
A well-thought process can flip failure into success.
People who are content, are happy.
To be confident, grow your talents.
Be humble enough to admit your mediocrity.
Curiosity, if not put in action, decays.
Curiosity, when put in action, can give you the biggest dopamine kicks.
We give up sooner than we should.
Listen and learn from the people you admire.
Never let ego be the reason for your stagnancy.
Be different, but only when you can endure the uncertainties.
Always bring something interesting to the table.
It is easy to remain obsessed with the past, but hard to act and build the future.
Intrinsic motivation outlives external impulse.
Frequent introspections keep you on the right track.
Doers chase output, while achievers chase outcome.
Seeking constant growth gives you exponential returns.
Living in the glory of the past impedes growth.
Distractions are liberating, but frequent distractions derail the momentum.
It is easy to come up with ground-breaking ideas; it is insanely hard to execute them.
You grow only when you try to solve a hard problem.
You are rewarded for your good judgment.
Reading books is easy; understanding and applying them is hard.
We over-compensate for our flaws.
Talent is nothing without humility.
Happiness stems from authenticity.
Difficulty is subjective.
Life would be boring if it became predictable.
Be busy carving your own path.
Experience is all about knowing when to say no.
We evolved to have a craving for entertainment, but entertainment is subjective.
It is tougher to say no.
Self-reflection is helpful, but over-analysis is toxic.
Savor the journey, relish the results.
Take bold decisions, but always have a backup plan ready.
The most memorable moments of your life are usually the dumbest ones.
The educated never stops learning.
Life never happens according to the plan.
Focus only on people who are worth it.
Sometimes the best thing to say is to say nothing.
It is far more important to understand when to shut up than to speak up.
The outcome weighs more than the output.
Good outcomes take a long time to transpire.
Your insecurities make you target the weak.
It is hard to take responsibility for the irresponsible.
Sometimes it is okay to learn without any goal or gain.
Either be driven or be around the driven.
It is not that you do not have time; you are just not narrowly focused.
To unleash growth, endure uncertainty.
You uncover your limitations when overwhelmed with uncertainty.
Success demands you to navigate through uncertainty.
It just takes one success to wipe out our failures.
It just takes one success to believe anything is possible.
It just takes one success to get past our insecurities.
You can grow more than you think you can.
We cannot make good decisions under ignorance.
Let your curiosity compound over time.
Honesty and humility earns respect.
Fear detains opportunities.
Get inspired or get jealous.
Whenever you get a chance, lead.
Whenever you are anxious, write, read, or draw.
Observe objectively.
Cut off the people you endure.
Easier to consume, essential to absorb.
Everyone plans, but only a few execute.
You will always start with an imperfect solution.
Luck is never a substitute for hard work.
Results weigh more than the potential.
Common sense is commonly scarce.
Other's success is not your failure.
It takes a little extra time for your hobby to compound; hang in there.
Constraints do not allow in-depth learning.
Theory without practice is futile.
All life-changing decisions look scary at first.
A great educator will always spark your intellectual curiosity.
Self-exploration > Rote learning.
Criticism should be constructive.
Long-term effort always pays off.
Doubts are meant to be a part of the journey.
Truth offends.
Be so consistent that people think some automation is doing it.
Books make us wiser only when we derive, absorb and apply the learnings.
Affordability does not justify the expenditure.
The company you are working for should not be the most interesting thing about you.
Beliefs are meant to be challenged.
Routine evolves into a habit.
Be your own teacher.
Machines are designed to be productive 100% of the time, not us.
Reading books should be measured qualitatively and not quantitatively.
Disagreement never demands a reaction.
Try answering the question yourself before asking.
20% of your decisions will decide 80% of your life.
There are always multiple pathways to reach the same destination.
Sometimes choosing a safer path is a wiser decision.
Read between the lines.
Your intuition will lead you well, only when you have fed it well.
Opportunities do not care about your plans.
Aim higher, consistently.
Creativity wins the long game.
If yesterday was "just okay," introspect.
The more you struggle, the more interesting you become.
Spot pseudo-blockers.
Spoon-feeding cripples.
Creativity is imagination in action.
To level up, study difficult topics.
Hobby eases our hard times.
Maintain social and mental distance from people who constantly complain.
Make space for the right people.
Poor habits don't vanish overnight.
Audacious decisions make you interesting.
Success and envy are inversely proportional.
Learning isn't a competition.
Momentum demands discipline.
Silence is scarce.
Learn to sell.
Appreciation is contagious.
Accept your ignorance.
Being busy ≠ Being productive.
Arguing is a waste of time.
Do what's necessary and defer everything else.
Embrace embarrassment.
It is easier to make bold decisions when you have financial safety.
Think while reading.
You become uninteresting the instant you lose your humility.
A consensus never takes bold decisions.
We care about people who do not care about us.
Results fetch you respect.
To understand what you didn't understand, write.
Financial independence is attained with decades worth of efforts.
Great books uncover the flaws.
The ultimate happiness lies in creation.
Accelerated learning demands a solid foundation.
Use your cards better.
Envy distracts.
The first impression always gets imprinted.
Distraction is friction.
Build a deeper understanding of the things you already know.
A good listener always wins the long game.
You can always read faster than you can listen.
Life is all about minimizing regrets. I wish I could have ...
We love to compete only when we are good at it.
We all have massive inertia.
Build an ability to learn from anyone.
Your words are misinterpreted only when you ramble.
Many people know stuff, but only a few understand.
Talk about your mistakes, and let others can learn from them.
A stupid idea becomes out-of-the-box thinking when you get results.
Dare to punch above your weight.
Important actions are inherently uncomfortable.
You can give your best only when you are having fun.
Soft skills win you the long game.
Carving your own path is easier said than done.
Do what you love, and you will never think of retiring.
Read a book with a child-like curiosity.
To fast-track your growth, be self-critical.
Be brave enough to admit your mistakes.
You are offended by your own insecurities.
Having time to learn and read whatever you want is a privilege.
Experts failed as beginners, but they did not give up.
To learn faster, make mistakes.
People love controversy.
Doers do not waste time cribbing.
If you cannot walk alone, work with people who can.
Only you remember your embarassing moments.
You fence yourself when you idolize.
Need a detox? Build a hobby.
Society compares us with statistical outliers.
Communicating effectively makes x, a 10x.
Put your readings into practice.
Seek newer perspectives.
It is not always one or the other.
Fewer the options, more thought-through are the decisions.
Done > Planned.
Not everyone around you is your competitor.
Chase remarkable results.
Learn from the best to be the best.
Life, once in a while, will force you to self-reflect.
Motivation is momentary.
Never be afraid to walk alone.
Play the long game to set yourself up for long-term success.
You have enough.
We regret it the most when we realize we gave up without trying.
Spend some time alone, focussed.
Be the person you always talk about.
Expect a lot less from others and a lot more from yourself.
Don't be obsessed with getting ahead.
Don't state the problems without suggesting potential solutions.
Justifying your failure with excuses is an excuse in itself.
Everything eventually works out.
Grown-ups are boring.
Listen, understand, and then speak.
Success attracts envy.
There is no direct correlation between education and degree.
There will always be a missed opportunity.
Ignore often.
Day 1 is not about perfection but execution.
Ego is a frictional force that acts against your growth.
Conversation is never about winning or losing.
Life is unfair by design.
To make better decisions, be emotionally detached.
Don't explain, prove.
We all suffer from Imposter Syndrome.
Consciously make an effort to learn about your weaknesses.
Fear of failure grows as you progress.
Society seeks results, not efforts.
You become proficient by doing, not watching.
Be coachable.
Opportunities and complaints co-exist.
Bragging wrecks your status.
Initiatives are rewarding.
You don't have to be perfect to succeed.
The world notices your failed attempts only when you become successful.
The more chances you take, the luckier you get.
Be bold enough to make and admit mistakes.
Be imperfect but have a growth mindset.
Back your opinions by results.
Rushing thoughtlessly is fatal.
Strike a balance between self-awareness and self-belief.
You feel bitter when confined.
Read between the lines if you seek clarity.
Define your own definition of success.
Choose what you want to work hard on.
Learning the "whys" is more fun than learning the "whats."
Meritocracy is a myth.
Hard work = Success is an oversimplification.
If you are ignored, get better.
Impatience repels success.
Life-changing opportunity never knocks at the door at random.
Struggle is a prerequisite to success.
You gain deeper insights through experience.
Lifelong learning demands lifelong discipline.
Focus makes you intelligent, but most people digress.
Chase the cause, and applause will follow.
Everyone has the potential, but only a few leverage it to make an impact.
Jealousy stems from distraction, and you stop being jealous once you are focused.
Ignore what you don't need to think of.
If you are never lucky, introspect your processes and habits.
Memorization is forced learning.
You self-entertain when you learn.
Stay away from people who constantly complain.
Wisdom is in knowing when to say no.
The entire world is a playground for the curious.
Insecure people can never truly help. You help only when you want them to unconditionally succeed.
Success is the art of ignoring distractions.
Expensive lifestyle ≠ Happy life
Honesty builds trust.
Intrinsically happy people seem weird at first.
Peer pressure is avoidable.
Speak your heart out, always.
Cut the chaos.
Minimize the time you spend with the people you dislike.
Learning is easy if you have mastered the basics.
Consistency beats inconsistent head starts.
Seek solace.
We are remembered for our actions and not just for having the intent to act.
Strive for excellence and not perfection.
To get better at creating, create.
Don't be guilty of wasting time; your mind deserves a break.
A decade worth of effort always pays off.
Success attracts haters.
Time spent worrying is time spent wasted.
People lacking the zeal to learn think they are always "right."
To experience exponential growth, understand the difference between telling and showing.
Do not spill out your anger; instead, channelize it to your advantage.
Ironically, too much motivation is depressing.
Books prepare you well for the worst-case scenarios.
It just takes one "Yes, you are right" to resolve a conflict.
If you have to boast about your past accomplishments, you haven't grown.
Manage time well.
To grow quickly, be around people who ask "good" questions.
In the midst of chaos, don't lose sight of your priorities.
If you cannot enjoy the success of others, do not expect others to be happy when you succeed.
Be ambitious.
Most of the conflicts are forced by the egos.
Overthinking slows you down.
Clarity is conveyed only when you have a thorough understanding.
Competing against people who enjoy learning is mighty tough.
You develop an inferiority complex by reading/watching too much about successful people.
You cannot justify your stagnation.
Anguish is temporary; don't let it take over.
Focus is a differentiator.
Have a strong bias for action.
Believing in something does not make it a fact.
Have high standards for the content you consume.
The harder the task at hand, the greater is the opportunity to grow.
"It's too late to start now" is just an excuse.
You don't have to take everything personally.
Self-confidence is fragile, it shatters even a with minuscule of a failure.
Read something you disagree with.
Keep your inner child alive and have a never-ending zeal to experiment and try out something new.
The biggest asset you own is your creativity.
The way people treat others is a reflection of how they treat themselves.
Want to be unstoppable? Be consistently creative.
Understanding compounds over time.
Your life needs a purpose because the world needs a story for the ages.
Either waste time criticizing or spend time building.
Jealousy is you getting distracted by seeing others grow.
Missed opportunities hurt more than risk.
Most minds are not malleable.
Just like in games, never settle for a difficulty level in your life. Level up, face a tougher challenge, and win big.
You can compensate for lack of talent with focus, consistency, and hard work.
To worry less, detach.
Beliefs are meant to be questioned.
You can attain short-lived success with Luck, but long-lived success demands skills.
Never be too proud to admit your fault.
"Clash of the Egos" is the worst game of all time.
You restrain growth when you seek consensus.
If you want to teach something to yourself, write.
Do not judge what you don't understand.
Hard things are hard because they change your life for good.
You will always wish to have had started earlier.
Once a while, let your ego get crushed, crumbled, and broken into minuscule pieces.
Trust is earned by results, not words.
Envy stops when you are self-focussed.
"I don't have time" is a lie.
Questioning is not arguing; most people do not understand the difference.
Foolish and catastrophic decisions are inevitable when we put blind faith in someone.
To worry less, do more.
Once a while, pause.
A few months of self-reflection save decades of struggle.
Most people do not truly seek freedom because they are afraid to own their decisions; freedom is being responsibly self-reliant.
You radiate confidence if you truly understand what you are talking about.
Say no to toxicity, be it food, people or thoughts.
Consistent effort put over a long period of time is how you develop talent.
Your life is a direct outcome of how you choose to use the Internet.
Life-changing opportunities come within a scary-looking trojan horse.
It is insanely hard to be truly creative if you lack the time to think.
It takes years' worth of effort and discipline to end up at the right place and at the right time; people misattribute this to luck.
Be your own critic.
Understand the perspective of others before disagreeing.
Always punch above your weight.
Be ambitious and enthusiastic; being one without being the other has a near-zero value.
"Needs" are different from "wants". Classify your desires into the things you need vs the things you want, to make better decisions.
You stagnate when you stop being curious.
You get anxiety when you realize your stagnancy.
For your biography to be interesting, it needs to have at least one leap of faith that made you who you are.
You are the hero of your own story, so struggle, grow and succeed to make it a blockbuster.
Learn how to learn.
Beliefs are meant to be loosely held.
Being intellectually curious is rewarding.
While explaining, come to the point faster, for attention span is at an all-time low.
No one is qualified when they start; credibility is built over time.
Do not spoon-feed them the answers, instead, make them think.
Self-confidence is not taught but earned through years of effort, hard work, and accomplishments.
Having a victim mindset is how and why you think it is okay to accept defeat; so consciously avoid playing the victim card.
Stay perpetually curious.
Self-reliance demands struggle. If you want to be self-reliant, be ready to struggle.
Life is already hard, don't try to make it harder by overanalyzing your decisions.
Knowing when to not overthink and overanalyze is an unfair advantage.
You have to surround yourself with supportive people because it is unimaginably hard to attain success in isolation.
Keep asking Whys' until it all makes sense.
If you seek freedom, you should value self-education. Do not expect everything to be spoon-fed to you.
If you find a shortcut, look out for traps, for there is no shortcut to success.
Be interesting.
You do not deserve more just because you sacrificed more.
Most of your desires are just outcomes of good marketing.
Rejections happen to everyone; learn from the mistakes and move on. Rejections and failures are prerequisites to success.
Your lightning speed doesn't matter if you are running in the wrong direction.
If you do not believe in yourself, no one else will.
Raising your voice does not make you right.
You need not have an opinion on literally everything; pick your niche.
Life is a long-term game, massive results don't come quick.
There are no shortcuts to attain Clear Thinking; it demands years of reading, writing, and being open to feedback and criticism.
Efforts you put in today will reap compounding benefits in the future. So, what seems like pressure today, is actually hope.
Rejection accelerates growth.
If you think you are not creative, start spending some time alone and let your mind wander.
Success is attained when you stay disciplined towards your goal, for years, even when you don't feel like it.
Learning is all about keeping your momentum in check. Harder to make the first strides, overcoming the inertia, but once you start to roll, just ensure you are not losing momentum.
Talented people are just average people having a growth mindset.
You get great results when you put hard work in the right direction.
Unlearning is a pre-requisite to growth.
Original work demands wasting time delving into the unknown.
Feeling envy? Time to refocus on yourself.
If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing.
If you are not failing, you are not pushing your boundaries; instead, you are just being safe and trying to survive.
Most conflicts are unnecessary, so think twice before you jump to resolve one.
Face difficult problems and break your illusion of being smart.
Don't seek the weaknesses of others, instead, learn from their strengths.
Think independently without seeking anyone's validation.
To have a thriving relationship, throw away the ego and listen.
If you do not count the hours spent at work, you have a thriving job.
Care about what's being said more than who said it.
Be around driven people, and see yourself changing for good.
News that doesn't impact you is gossip; ignore it.
If you doubt yourself, self-reflect.
Forming good habits take years, don't give up so early.
If they think they already know better, leave; no point in wasting time.
You are not entitled to anything, you'll have to earn it with your hard work.
It is insanely hard for a lone genius to succeed because success demands collaboration; hence surround yourself with the right people.
Scroll less, create more.
Don't impress others by boasting knowledge, try being considerate and helpful.
Stop pretending to like what you don't.
Do you think people expect a lot from you? In actuality, they don't; so stop bogging yourself down with unnecessary pressure.
Trust shouldn't be fragile; it should not take mere 10 minutes of conversation to break decades' worth of trust.
People think you have time to argue with them, but you don't.
Life is not supposed to be easy.
It takes a decade worth of effort for anything to become tangible; so persevere and stay consistent.
Reading, writing, and learning becomes more enjoyable with time; so, start, form a habit, and let the amusement and dopamine kicks take over.
The best moments of your life were, are, and will always come unplanned.
You cannot do everything at once so pick your battles, prioritize and focus.
Keep your life a little adventurous, you should have a lot of stories to tell.
Great ideas are hidden in outliers.
Doubt is not ignorance. Getting doubts means you are listening well, thinking, and not just ready to accept things as they are presented.
Be self-reliant, because everyone else is busy doing things for themselves.
The addiction that affects the worst is comfort.
Being obedient in school can systematically take you far, but if you want to create a dent then you will have to evolve. Actionables - be insatiably curious, read books, gather experiences, and most importantly learn to self-learn.
Being wrong is okay but staying wrong isn't.
Want to connect with like-minded people? Simple, make your ideas visible by putting them out on the internet. The world has never been closer.
Most people lack focus, not talent.
Don't react when irritated.
You get luckier with preparedness.
Do you lack motivation? seek clarity. Understanding why you are doing something gives you enough motivation to get it done.
Reading more is not an achievement. Important is the fraction you understood and instilled in your life to change it for the better.
Opinions you form should be based on facts; baseless opinions are fatal.
Never fall in love with your comfort zone.
Your mind can only process a finite number of thoughts daily; so stop engaging it into doing something unnecessary.
Scratching the surface is done by the masses, but you create massive value for yourself when you learn something deeply.
Memorization is not the same as learning.
The best time to do something was yesterday, second best is today.
You are not ice-cream, so give up on being liked by everyone.
Life is sinusoidal, and hence bound to have highs and lows; so fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride.
Learn to create, but more importantly learn to sell.
A more difficult path usually leads to an easier life.
Motivation is short-term so act on it quickly, build actionable, and form a habit around it.
Be in a relationship where you both grow happier, kinder, and wiser.
Make growth your default motivator and not greed.
Stay mediocre or work hard and get the hell out of it.
If you cringe upon your past, congratulations, you have grown.
Why should you set an aim before starting anything? Efforts are inherently a scalar quantity, you can put a magnitude of it but if those efforts are not made in the right direction they will potentially, more often than not, yield to nothing. Having an aim gives your efforts…
Before you learn anything new, build the courage and get rid of any self-doubt that could pull you back.
Want to impress others? Be honest. You impress the most when you are fully honest.
Do not absorb everything you are fed, learn to identify the signal from noise.
Life changes for good when you have that one person trusting, backing, and believing in you.
Never say no to new adventures in life, you never know when serendipity kicks in.
The world is in a perpetually competing state, but while being busy competing for your spot do not forget to have fun.
Your brain is meant for thinking independently and not just absorb what's served at you.
One person that you should definitely and completely be honest with is you.
Efficient context switching enables you to accomplish multiple goals at the same time.
Do not waste your energy in belittling others; it unnecessarily makes you negative.
Want to accelerate your career? Start remolding ambiguity into clarity.
Never hold on to your past for far too long. The rope tightens with time leading to stagnation.
Understand the "why" before you jump to "how".
We are deadline-driven. It has a direct impact on speed and capacity; the closer the deadline, the faster the speed.
Your energy is contagious; liven up the room you are in.
There is a very fine line between Critical Thinking and Flaw Seeking; understand and practice the former.
Anger makes people drop their masks.
To succeed, be scared of stagnation.
To get what you want, understand the importance of focus.
Do not ask questions just for the sake of it, develop an ability to ask critical questions; because no one likes desperate participation.
Read a book only when you think it will have some positive impact on you. If it yields to nothing then you just wasted your time staring at some black ink on a piece of paper.
Be audacious and humble.
Optimize your life for doing more of what you love.
Be the one who lits up the room.
Ignore often.
You will always value it today that you didn't value in the past.
The only way to leave an ever-lasting impression is by being authentic.
We love to waste time seeking flaws in successful people.
Imagination has changed the world more than memorization ever will.
Care about the things that matter.
Change begins by acknowledging the limitation.
To give your mind the time to think, write.
Ego evaporates with time, let it.
Never self-deceit.
Stop looking for silver bullets to solve your problems.
Never refuse to learn.
Make your mind your most valuable asset.
Be innately curious.
No one owes you their attention.
We misinterpret lacking courage as lacking talent.
Never take people's attention for granted.
You get great results once you do not seek them, doesn't it? You didn't get results before because you were being needy and neediness adds confusion but your brain loves clarity.
Help younger folks, so they avoid pitfalls that you faced and get where you are faster than you did.
You feel jealous only when you are not focused on your own work.
You are not talentless, you are just not ready for sacrifices.
Ignore distractions.
Instead of complaining, try to use circumstances to your advantage.
Do not bother to argue where you do not need to; so round about 99% of the time.
Ultimate loop for collective growth - Learn, Execute, Share, Teach and repeat.
We cheat because we fear failure.
Do you lack motivation? try adding clarity to your goals. Your brain prefers clarity over chaos.
Reading without thinking, pondering and understanding is a waste of time.
The writer always learns more than the reader.
Don't be jealous of your friends growing faster than you; rather understand how they are doing it and seek help if needed.
It is unnecessary to an opinion above everything.
The amount of time you get to spend with the people you love is also a measure of Success.
Books can never match the experience but they prepare you for the worst.
Seek growth more than external validation.
Be it assignments, projects, games, or even life, you always have less time than you think. Utilize and manage the time you have wisely.
Life is a game that levels up every day, make sure you do too.
Pro tip: Never jump to conclusions.
One rejection is not the end of the world.
To have a clear mind, write every day.
The ability to explain and express thoughts clearly is a superpower.
Start small, expand.
Credentials are useless only after you have succeeded.
Life is not an ego contest.
If you disagree with someone, put forward your perspective respectfully. Raising voices does more harm than good.
Your growth is restrained when you accept your defeat before even trying.
Never live on an auto-pilot. Steer your life the way you want to.
You take longer to explain something that you haven't understood.
Never write about something you already know; rather write about something you want to learn and understand.
1 irrational decision is worth the 1000 lessons. *conditions apply
You grow when you acknowledge and face your own stupidy.
Great teachers are always lifelong learners.
If you feel learning isn't fun, it is because you are memorizing the facts and not connecting the dots.
Efforts are a pre-requisite to success, while the ability is something that can be picked up along the course.
You are happy when the success of others isn't uncomfortable.
Easier said than done.
Leaders don't shy away from stepping aside for the greater good.
Arrogance comes easy, humility demands integrity.
Acknowledge self-ignorance.
If you want to be creative, start connecting the dots.
Loosely, Maturity = Thinking Through.
Once in a while, do something that makes you feel like an idiot.
Lifestyle is a personal choice, pick one that fits you the best.
Savor the journey more than the terminus.
Self-learning demands discipline.
Life is non-binary.
There are no bad days, just some days when you win and others when you learn.
Don't react when you don't need to.
The first success is always the hardest.
Bridging an unbridgeable gap requires a leap of faith.
The most attractive trait you can acquire is humility.
It is near impossible to thrive in isolation.
Learning is more about connecting the dots and less about memorization.
Habit is enjoyed perseverance.
Unlearning is a pre-requisite of growth.
Trying to stay productive 100% of the time is, ironically, counterproductive.
The crowd does not always act logically.
Independence is the prerequisite to creativity.
The fastest way to grow: Every day spending some time with people who challenge you intellectually.
Writing forces you to think better.
Opportunities are lost due to procrastination.
Express disagreement without anger.
Read to understand, not just to remember.
Setbacks are non-optional, embrace them.
Not every book is a textbook, so feel free to skim and skip.
Companies you have worked with should not be the most impressive thing in your resume or your life.
Leaders treat everyone equally, bosses have favorites.
Overcompensate your misfortune with hard work.
Admit failure
Do something that threatens your winner persona.
A leader always brings calmness to the team.
Opportunity is omnipresent, it takes a keen eye to spot it.
Habitual changes are tough but always worth the effort.
Defeat does not lessen your capabilities.
Reading is less about reading and more about self-reflecting.
Fear mediocrity.
Celebrity status is relative and it is determined by belief and inacquantaince.
Never let the salt of your life go away.
Don't expect a crowd to be intelligent.
Life is not an ego contest.
Declining new challenges out of fear lead to stagnation because growth demands courage.
Reading improves reality.
Completion is achieved either by a strict deadline or an unmatched stubbornness.
To gain confidence, walk independently.
Successful people are just average people working hard.
Stop being a slave of praise.
If you seek originality, get rid of influences - think independently, think alone.
If your hobby feels like work, take a break.
Humility is a rare virtue.
The world doesn't owe you anything.
Understand, forgive, and move on.
Growth happens when, despite having success, you scrutinize for flaws.
We are an overpraised generation.
There is always a way to heal a wound.
Leaders are made, not born.
Intelligence and schooling are disconnected.
Switch offs are necessary.
Life is non-binary. Not every decision requires to be classified as one or the other; in fact, in most scenarios, the best stand is an unexplored middle ground.
Never praise the ability, praise the efforts.
Believe in harsh truths and not comforting lies.
Accept imperfections.
Being devoid of a certain talent is not a blocker to try something out.
Abilitites can be cultivated.
It is egoistic to think that your talent makes you superior to others.
You grow the fastest when you repeatedly put yourself in situations that you are scared of.
Books are not too long, our attention span is too short.
Be unapologetic about dropping a message to someone who intellectually challenges you or whom you find intellectually attractive.
Spend more time understanding the problem, and you will save on a bunch of unnecessary detours and back and forth.
@orangebook_ If you have a lot of money you get to make stuff up.
The only habit that restrains personal growth and learning is preferring to be spoon-fed.
If you have a lot of money you get to make stuff up.
The only differentiating virtue between the best and the average is perseverance.
Efforts have to be gradual and consistent for your win to be sudden.
Don't seek a forced validation from a person you admire, instead, be humble and observe how they operate.
Shouting does not make you right.
You are boring when you talk about yourself.
Don't keep yourself busy judging others; your brain can only have a limited number of thoughts every day and even your day has a limited number of seconds in it, use them wisely.
Books can never replace the actual experience but it does a wonderful job of preparing you for the unknowns.
Growth compounds if you have self-discipline, willpower, and perseverance.
Anxiety and Restlessness is fuel for someone who knows how to wield it. It provides the necessary nudge to set you in motion.
Having an opinion about stuff you don't understand is fatal. Impartial opinions always form when you have a deep understanding of the matter.
Discuss ideas, not people.
If you have time to scroll, you have time to learn.
Everyone gets 24 hours every day, what determines success is its optimum utilization. The only skill required to be successful is - Time Management.
Having a failure is different from being a failure. Unfortunately, we exaggerate.
Seek progress and not cheap validation.
The right set of critical questions is important to solve any problem better.
Disagreement should never make you angry.
To understand what you don't understand - write.
Be critical of your own stupidity, more often than not, it is the root cause.
Living on autopilot is easy so don't do that.
You are a result of the people you choose to be surrounded by.
The only constraint, that is truly universal and applies to every single one of us, is time.
Quickly identifying and acknowledging you are wrong is much more beneficial than justifying how you are right.
Greatness can be achieved with raw perseverance but success can only be attained when persistent efforts are made in the right direction.
Compete with someone who is better than you.
Detachment improves execution.
Solve non-trivial problems, for there is no easy way to success.
The worst always happens in your head.
Talent, more often than not, is just a decade worth of channeled effort and perseverance.
Unlearning is more important than learning.
Anonymity allows everyone to say the truth; people who do not long for it, are fearless and, more often than not, are the ones that bring the necessary paradigm shifts.
True learning happens when we are purely driven by our intellectual curiosity while being devoid of any deadline or a need for external validation.
Playing the victim card is the first line of defense and a default option that we have developed over our evolutionary course. Growth seekers avoid playing it.
We become self-confident once we start repeatedly doing what we thought we couldn't do; while we become overconfident when we mightily overestimate our abilities just to put forth a false persona.
You never forget what you actually understood.
Managing time is hard, and the ability to do it well is no less than a superpower.
Impulsive decisions made while you are having a bad day are, more often than not, detrimental and damaging.
No thoughts or actions are truly independent without financial independence.
Your plan should always sound a little crazier.
A lot of things in life don't seek your reaction.
Capabilities don't matter until you act on it.
Playing the victim card is an excuse. The world is ruthless and if you want to survive, you need to up your game.
Blaming externals (people or situations) for our setbacks and failures is an escape, that is best avoided.
Most limits do not exist, they are mere hurdles, your mind has created to keep you in your comfort.
Insecure teachers try to act and sound smart; they seek validation by dominating struggling students.
Changing your life is hard and it will take a lot of risk, effort, and time to steer it as you desire.,
Changing your habit without changing your environment is impossible. Environment, you have been habituated with, will always be a reminder of your past behaviour and practices.
Reading is important but it should be Qualitative, and not Quantitative. Quality reading translating into daily life action items is calibre.
Most interesting ideas brew when the participants are few but involved, passionate, and insightful.
It is always better to underestimate than to overestimate your cleverness.
You do not need habit tracking apps to form a habit; nothing works better than an aggressively defined goal.
Solving a problem 80% is simple; and all you need is some critical thinking and a knack to split it into solvable sub-problems; although for the other 20% you will require domain expertise. Approach, attitude, and grit help tackle a problem better than domain expertise.
Recreational reading is underrated.
Time is a currency don't spend it, invest it.
Curiosity drives motivation. If you are not motivated enough, question yourself - are you curious enough?
Never argue with people who do not want to listen.
You don't have to be busy 24x7.
Spend more time with people who spark curiosity.
Read what takes you out of your comfort zone.
Achievements mean nothing if you are unhappy.
You cannot stand out without courage.
Most fears are manufactured.
Talk less, say more.
It is hard for a chaotic mind to be creative.
Be unconditionally optimistic.
Strong intuition is the outcome of a rich experience and practice.
Remaining mediocre is a choice.
Pessimism repels growth.
Our imagination is often scarier than reality.
Self-confidence is cultivated through personal achievements.
We all start mediocre.
You will always have reasons not to do it.
Focus on what's urgent and important.
When you try to act smart, you appear immature and insecure.
Creativity makes you irreplaceable.
Face your own flaws.
Mistakes are the fuel for growth.
Learn how to learn.
Self-confidence is an acquired skill.
Most can't do it doesn't mean you shouldn't.
Execute, don't contemplate.
Spend time learning uncommon skills only after you master the common ones. Fallbacks are important.
Lack of knowledge makes you dependent.
Fear of failure can be a constructive force.
Breakthrough awaits beyond consensus.
Anger is an easy response.
You lose clarity when you are way too busy.
Never read a book before skimming; most are unnecessarily lengthy.
It is not worth missing out on life while chasing some manufactured numbers.
It is more fun to learn what you don't need to.
Ignorance is bliss running a sprint but catastrophic while running a marathon.
Noise demands but does not deserve your attention.
Life seems futile when you do what you hate.
Right words from the right person can flip your life 180.
Clarity is hard to attain but easy to lose.
Outliers walk the lonely road.
Entrepreneurship is the game of execution.
We learn the best when we learn from someone we admire.
Most desires are manufactured.
Jargons are a defense mechanism.
You stop trying; you stop growing.
Distraction is the root cause of stagnation.
The toughest hurdle in your growth is your self-esteem.
Reading one difficult book teaches you more than what hundreds of easy ones ever could.
It is easy to fall in love with learning.
Chaos is normal; remain calm while in the midst.
To enjoy reading, read slow.
Pleasure is not happiness.
Two curious minds have the best conversation. If you cannot participate, at least listen.
Read what you need.
Throw the baggage you don't need.
Your motivation gets a boost when you alter your ambiance.
Side quests are more adventurous.
Create what you'd want to consume.
Chase metrics that matter.
Lead when others won't.
Blaming it on others is easy; self-reflecting is hard but essential.
A true teacher teaches you how to think, learn, and grow.
You can be proud without losing your humility.
Mistakes make you feel alive.
Focus on the "why" more than the "what."
Life is all about minimizing regrets.
Successful people listened better.
You risk your integrity when you have an imperative urge to impress.
There is no magic pill to fix bad habits.
Sometimes it is wise to just ignore.
Consensus impedes growth.
Silence is better than saying something valueless.
We overcompensate by boasting about the things we don't have enough of.
Curiosity kills boredom.
The wealth you'll create will be proportional to the value you add.
Life takes a turn for good when we start utilizing our potential.
Live a life worth telling.
Curiosity makes your life meaningful and fun.
Listen to your heart often; it knows what makes you happy.
You cannot stand out when you always want to fit in.
Read what you wrote a year ago, and see how much you've grown.
Anger does not demand a response; it is us who succumb.
Growth comes easy when you cherish responsibilities.
Be a critique without pessimism.
Never travel to click pictures; Your motive should be much bigger than a few JPEGs.
Most confident people carry an invisible safety cushion with them.
Once you start something of your own there is no going back.
We learned the best when the teacher also answered: "why?".
Getting help is easy; ask.
Financial instability does not give you room to breathe.
Massive success is never built alone.
Move on and make space for what's more valuable.
People trust you only when they feel secure around you.
Great decisions always seem insignificant, or at best mediocre, at the start.
Extreme success demands extreme optimism.
Do not read every book like a textbook; most of them should just have been a blog.
Better decisions demand clarity.
We learn the best when we are not strangled by deadlines.
Transparency builds trust.